A 1-Day Workshop on

Behaviourism In Educational Psychology


1 Day (9 am to 5 pm)

Course Fee

S$650.00 (exclusive of GST)

Course Overview, Outline and Key Takeways

Education is the passport to great opportunities in life.

The prognosis of an adult’s life is often highly dependent on the quality of education in his pre- education and ensuing years of education.

Several studies have shown the early years of the child’s life are critical windows of development in all aspects such as intellectually, socially and emotionally.

This course is targeted at the social learning and behaviour in individuals and ways of addressing the needs of diverse learners, particularly in children learning and behavioural aspects. Various learning models and motivations are explored.

  • Developmental Growth
  • Roots of Behavioural Modification
  • Psychological Strategies and Approaches to Behavioural Issues
  • Strategic Teaching of Students in Group Settings
  • Explain the Process and Benefits of Behaviourism
  • Identify The Characteristics Of The Various Learning Aspects In Behaviourism
  • Appropriately communicate and guide Individuals in their learning skills
  • Demonstrate an understanding of Behaviourism in Psychology
  • Comprehend the fundamental knowledge of Behaviourism, and gain insights and knowledge of various theories and techniques

Who Should Attend

Nurses and Allied Healthcare Professionals
Parents/ Care Takers
Office Executives
Educators / Principals / Teachers
Psychotherapists / Counsellors
Individuals with a keen interest in psychology

Our Trainer

Ms. Jeslyn Lim

Founder & Managing Director of Mind Culture, Developmental Psychologist

MEd Development Psych., BA Applied Psych., Registered Practitioner & Supervisor (APACS), ACTA, Certified Hypnotist

Jeslyn is the Founder and Managing Director of Mind Culture and Co-founder of Thrive Psychology Clinic.

She is a certified practitioner of Integral Eye Movement Therapy (IEMT) and a member of the Association for IEMT Practitioners. She is also the Immediate Past President of the Association of Psychotherapists and Counsellors Singapore (APACS) as well as a full member of the Singapore Psychological Society (SPS).

Jeslyn has also spent years in the private sector at the management level, ensuring employees’ well-being by performing conflict resolution, and providing counselling services. In her dealing with clients regarding matters of safety, crisis, and restorative management. Jeslyn has developed therapeutic interventions to promote motivation and heighten work morale as well as work ethics.

Credentials & Certifications

Registered Practitioner & Supervisor (APACS)
Advanced Certification in S-Path Hypnotherapy
Certified 7-Path Self- Hypnosis Teacher
Advanced Certification in Training and Assessment

Interesting Insight

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