A 1-Day Workshop on

Industrial & Organisational Psychology

Psychological Enhancements For Business Efficiency & Effectiveness


1 Day (9 am to 5 pm)

Course Fee

S$650.00 (exclusive of GST)

Course Overview, Outline and Key Takeways

Until the late 1980s, business school and businesses emphasised the technical aspects of management, focusing on economics, accounting, finance, and quantitative techniques. Human behavior and people skills received relatively less attention. Since then, there is greater realisation of the significant role interpersonal skills play in determining an employee’s effectiveness.

In today’s competitive and demanding workplace, employees and managers can’t succeed on their technical skills alone and have to exhibit good interpersonal and intrapersonal skills.

Industrial and organisational (I/O) psychology is the scientific study of human cognition, motivation, emotion, behaviour, and social interaction in work contexts.

It focuses on applying evidence-informed methods to mitigate practical problems in organisations and generate new knowledge that aims to help improve working conditions in organisations towards organisational efficiency and effectiveness. This is a skills-based workshop that focuses on helping you to develop and hone essential skills needed in applying psychology to practice in organisations.

  • Introduction to Industrial Organisation Psychology
  • Personality and organisational behaviour
  • Job scope analysis
  • Employee motivation
  • Job satisfaction and dissatisfaction
  • Employee Recruitment
  • Assessing and selecting employees
  • Evaluating employee performance
  • Group dynamics
  • Leadership
  • Employee stress and distress
  •  Job burnout
  • Organisational change and development
  • Acquire knowledge on key theories/models/findings in I/O Psychology
  • Examine key trends/issues/challenges faced by organisations and I/O Psychologists
  • Examine key concerns/challenges faced by employees in organisations
  • Illustrate different approaches to recruit/select/appraise employees
  • Discuss how to motivate and lead employees to be productive and satisfied with their work
  • Demonstrate different strategies to cope with employees’ stress, distress, and burnout

Who Should Attend

Business OwCorporate Leaders / Business Owners / Directors/ Head of Departmentsners / Corporate Leaders/ Corporate Directors
Trainers / Coaches / Mentors
HR Directors/ Managers
Working professionals keen to learn more about I/O Psychology but does not have a degree in psychology

Our Trainer

Mr. Anil Singh

Mental Wellness Coach, Trainer, Academic Coach, & Senior Associate Lecturer

MSocSci (NUS), Grad Cert Teaching & Assessing Adult Learners (SUSS), Grad Cert.
Professional Counselling (Swinburne)

Anil is a mental wellness coach, trainer, and a highly versatile educator in the areas of psychology, sociology, and public safety & security with more than 10 years of experience at various government and private institutions.

As a mental wellness coach, Anil is a passionate advocate of mental wellness in schools, workplaces, and personal life.

Prior to lecturing full-time, Anil was a Community Outreach Manager with the National Addictions Management Service (NAMS), Institute of Mental Health (IMH), and an Executive Director of a community drug rehabilitation centre.

Credentials & Certifications

Former Executive Director of a community drug rehabilitation centre
Graduate Certificates in Professional Counselling & Teaching
Mental Wellness Coach with more than 10 years of experience
A highly versatile educator in psychology and sociology

Agencies trained

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