A 1-Day Workshop on

Negotiation Strategies To Achieve An All-Win Outcome


1 Day (9 am to 5 pm)

Course Fee

S$580.00 (exclusive of GST)

Course Overview, Outline and Key Takeways

All-win does not mean equal win. As long as all parties are happy with what they get, it is a win for everyone. We negotiate all the time, be it with clients or anyone in our lives.

Whether it is on pricing, resources and decisions on what to do and what not to do, negotiation is a lifelong skill that help us get what we want. When you can master the art of negotiation, you will achieve greater productivity and even better relationships with others.

You will be introduced to the powerful concept of having a “Go- giver attitude” that can help you get more than what you bargained for. When you realise that by giving more gets you even more, it changes the conventional way of negotiation to achieve an all- win result.

  • Awareness and Reflection
  • GENIE© toolkit to negotiate for an all-win result
  • Tool 1: Go-giver – Develop the right attitude and approach to negotiation
  • Tool 2: Engage
  • Tool 3: Negotiate – Negotiation Strategies
  • Tool 4: Influence
  • Tool 5: Ensure
  • Closing Circle
  • Understand the impact of your personality and communication style has on your negotiation approach
  • Prepare for negotiation towards an open yet collaborative atmosphere
  • Identify the different approaches of persuasion (Cialdini’s influence principles)
  • Master the techniques to design a negotiation dialogue
  • Articulate common ground between two parties with a “go-giver” attitude
  • Conclude better agreements through a principled-approach

Who Should Attend

Business Owners/ Entrepreneurs
Directors & Department Heads
Front Line Staff
IT Professionals
Sales & Marketing Professionals
Team Leaders

Our Trainer

Dr. Maxine Teo

Author, Key Note Speaker, Corporate Facilitator, & Coach

PhD Psychology

Dr Maxine is a tri-lingual speaker, corporate facilitator and coach with a passion for colourfully impacting and inspiring lives over 20 years with diverse teams across Asia.

One of the most engaging speakers and trainers in Asia, she has successfully delivered training solutions and keynotes on wealth management, retirement planning, peak performance and sales excellence to audiences in 30 over cities around the world.

Coming from a decade of working in the financial services industry, she shares her experience and knowledge through training and coaching in Relationship Management topics like Advisory Sales (B2B & B2C), Business writing, Networking Skills, Negotiation Skills, Effective Communication, Client Service Excellence, Client Book Management, Cross-Cultural Awareness, Business Presentation Skills, and Time and Stress Management for better productivity.

Credentials & Certifications

PhD in Psychology
Author of 'Secret Manual Series'
Delivered training & Keynotes in over 30 cities
Over 20 years working with diverse teams across Asia

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