A 1-Day Workshop on

Service Excellence To Win Customers For Life


1 Day (9 am to 5 pm)

Course Fee

S$580.00 (exclusive of GST)

Course Overview, Outline and Key Takeways

Customer service is critical in creating an emotional engagement with clients. Loyalty develops as clients feel a sense of connection with you. It has become even more critical in the new world of remote selling when clients begin to prefer buying directly from the internet instead of meeting you in person.

When you can create a legendary client experience for your clients, that is when they will always want to collaborate with you. In this power-packed workshop, you will pick up some simple yet powerful strategies to deliver cutting-edge service to your clients to gain an edge over the competition and win them for life.

  • Know how not to compete against but leverage technology to create a cutting-edge client experience.
  • Learn different ways to find out the level of service desired by your customers and vendors.
  • Be equipped with cutting edge ways to deliver excellent service especially when competing with others.
  • Awareness and Reflection
  • Alignment of Service Beliefs with Organizational Values
  • Introduction of SMILE© toolkit to deliver Cutting Edge Customer Service
  • Tool 1: Speed Profile
  • Tool 2: Manage Angry Customers
  • Tool 3: Influence
  • Tool 4: Listen
  • Tool 5: Engage
  • Application of Learning
  • Adopt a customer orientated mind-set and appreciate the importance of providing service excellence
  • Demonstrate attributes of a service oriented professional and present yourself professionally
  • Align service beliefs with organisational values
  • Equip staff with effective service techniques and skills to provide service excellence
  • Manage and handle interactions and relationships

Who Should Attend

Business Owners/ Entrepreneurs
Directors & Department Heads
Front Line Staff
IT Professionals
Sales & Marketing Professionals
Team Leaders

Our Trainer

Dr. Maxine Teo

Author, Key Note Speaker, Corporate Facilitator, & Coach

PhD Psychology

Dr Maxine is a tri-lingual speaker, corporate facilitator and coach with a passion for colourfully impacting and inspiring lives over 20 years with diverse teams across Asia.

One of the most engaging speakers and trainers in Asia, she has successfully delivered training solutions and keynotes on wealth management, retirement planning, peak performance and sales excellence to audiences in 30 over cities around the world.

Coming from a decade of working in the financial services industry, she shares her experience and knowledge through training and coaching in Relationship Management topics like Advisory Sales (B2B & B2C), Business writing, Networking Skills, Negotiation Skills, Effective Communication, Client Service Excellence, Client Book Management, Cross-Cultural Awareness, Business Presentation Skills, and Time and Stress Management for better productivity.

Credentials & Certifications

PhD in Psychology
Author of 'Secret Manual Series'
Delivered training & Keynotes in over 30 cities
Over 20 years working with diverse teams across Asia

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