A 1-Day Workshop on

Social Psychology

Understand Thoughts, Emotions, Feelings, and Behaviours


1 Day (9 am to 5 pm)

Course Fee

S$650.00 (exclusive of GST)

Course Overview, Outline and Key Takeways

Have you always been fascinated by the inner workings of the human mind?

What accounts for our thoughts (cognition), emotions/feelings (affection), and actions (behaviors)? How does the environment affect our cognition, affection, and behaviors?

How do cultural forces affect our emotions, identity, relationships, and decisions?

Why do we run into conflicts and how can we better manage them in our personal and professional lives?

Social psychology is the scientific study of how people’s thoughts, feelings, beliefs, intentions, and goals are constructed within a social context by the actual or imagined interactions with others.

Essentially, it explores the groups individuals belong to and the way they think about themselves and how they are influenced by others. This workshop emphasises the application of social psychological concepts and theories to everyday events and encounters.

  • Introduction to Social Psychology
  • Self-concept and understanding the self in a social world
  • Social and cultural beliefs and judgments
  • Relationship between attitudes and behaviours
  • Conformity and obedience
  • Persuasion
  • Altruism and helping behaviour
  • Stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination
  • Aggression
  • Conflicts and conflict management
  • Develop a better understanding of the social behaviour of the self
  • Acquire knowledge of the basic principles and theories of social psychology
  • Discuss the types of interpersonal relationships we have and how they impact us
  • Apply the theories of social psychology to explain various real-life phenomena
  • Analyse how certain theories of social psychology can be applied to the local Singapore context

Who Should Attend

Head of Departments/ Functional Managers / Supervisors
Working professionals who are keen to improve interpersonal relationships in the workplace.
Frontline professionals (e.g. sales, customer service)
Anyone who is keen to learn more about themselves and others.

Our Trainer

Mr. Anil Singh

Mental Wellness Coach, Trainer, Academic Coach, & Senior Associate Lecturer

MSocSci (NUS), Grad Cert Teaching & Assessing Adult Learners (SUSS), Grad Cert.
Professional Counselling (Swinburne)

Anil is a mental wellness coach, trainer, and a highly versatile educator in the areas of psychology, sociology, and public safety & security with more than 10 years of experience at various government and private institutions.

As a mental wellness coach, Anil is a passionate advocate of mental wellness in schools, workplaces, and personal life.

Prior to lecturing full-time, Anil was a Community Outreach Manager with the National Addictions Management Service (NAMS), Institute of Mental Health (IMH), and an Executive Director of a community drug rehabilitation centre.

Credentials & Certifications

Former Executive Director of a community drug rehabilitation centre
Graduate Certificates in Professional Counselling & Teaching
Mental Wellness Coach with more than 10 years of experience
A highly versatile educator in psychology and sociology

Agencies trained

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